1.3 Instructional partner
Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other educators.
2010 ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians
As the teacher of information retrieval, research, and innovative technology, the school library media specialist becomes a natural leader of professional development. It is important to remember the busy schedule of the classroom teacher, as well as the different learning modalities of individuals and be able to present information in a variety of formats. These are two artifacts, one as a Voicethread and one as a Screencast, in which staff can access asynchronously and revisit when needed. The Voicethread is a collaborative professional development lesson on Reciprocal Teaching and Higher-level Questioning developed during my graduate course, Instructional Collaboration, SLM 509. The Screencast is a professional development lesson on Text Complexity tools for use in meeting Common Core developed and delivered during my internship, SLM 552.
The strength of the Voicethread is that teachers can interact with the presentation and each other directly on the presentation. The downside to this is that there is a bit of a learning curve and some of the content may get lost in the accessing of the technology. The Screencast was designed to be followed-up with an elective face-to-face presentation and question-and-answer session for teachers that felt they needed more information. The benefit to viewing the Screencast first is differentiation – the five-minute presentation may be all that ELA staff needs, yet science and math staff may have many more questions on the application of these tools to their content area. This shows respect for staff time, as well as the varied levels of information needs. Differentiation is also a vital, yet difficult to master, teaching skill. Modeling methods of differentiation helps all staff grow their teaching practice.
In the feedback received from staff members, most were happy with the amount of information received. I do also feel that this is a great way to advocate for the vital need of staffing a certified librarian in each school. I want to research and learn about more delivery methods, similar to the trend of “flipping” the classroom, where the lesson or lecture is presented to students through video at home and the work is done by students in the classroom; here we could “flip” staff development. I don’t think we can emphasize enough the importance of efficiency in the delivery of information to both staff and students in meeting individualized information needs for specific purposes.
This portfolio and the artifacts contained herein by Amy Soldavini are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. |
Revised July 2013